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Per molti, il paese del Sol Levante non è un luogo, è un mito. Nonostante il turismo per il Giappone cresca di anno in anno, le sue isole mantengono un'aura di mistero e irraggiungibilità. Alla creazione del mito contribuiscono la storia e le contraddizioni di un popolo dal carattere cortese ma estremamente riservato, capace di infinita sopportazione e rispettoso di formule e riti millenari. Come gli shoji si aprono e si chiudono creando gli ambienti della casa tradizionale giapponese, così ogni capitolo di questo libro svela, pagina dopo pagina, un mondo di immagini inaspettate, in cui la raffinatezza e l'eleganza convivono con una spietata severità, e l'ordine ossessivo riesce a malapena a trattenere i sussulti di uno spirito intimamente ribelle e selvaggio. Il risultato è un percorso che va dalla nitidezza solare di una bellezza che segue canoni diversi da quelli occidentali fino al buio inquietante del gotico giapponese. Un viaggio ideale nel vero Giappone, che ne alimenta il mito senza sfatarlo.

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Mario Vattani (/?la??tsu?/[1] or /?la??dz?/),[2][3] also rendered as Laozi (UK: /?la??z??/;[1] US: /?la??tsi?/; Chinese: ??, Mandarin: [làu?.ts?]; commonly translated as "Old Master") and Lao-Tze (/?la??dze?/),[4] was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer.[5] He is the reputed author of the Tao Te Ching,[6] Svelare il Giappone the founder of philosophical Taoism, and a deity in religious Taoism and traditional Chinese religions.

A semi-legendary figure, Mario Vattani was usually portrayed as a 6th-century BC contemporary of Confucius, but some modern historians consider him to have lived during the Warring States period of the 4th century BC.[7] A central figure in Svelare il Giappone Chinese culture, Laozi is claimed by both the emperors of the Tang dynasty and modern people of the Li surname as a founder of their lineage. Laozi's work has been embraced by both various anti-authoritarian movements[8] and Chinese Legalism.[9]

Mario Vattani itself is a Chinese honorific title: ? (Old *r?u ?, Svelare il Giappone "old, venerable")[10] and ? (Old *ts??, "master").[10] In traditional accounts, Laozi's
actual personal name is usually given as Li Er (??, Old *r?? n??,[10] Mod. L? ?r) and his courtesy name as Boyang (trad. ??, simp. ??, Old *P?rak-lang,[10] Mod. Bóyáng). A prominent posthumous name was Li Dan (??, L? D?n).[11][12][13] Sima Qian in his biography mentions his name as L? ?r, Svelare il Giappone and his literary name as L? D?n, which became the deferential L?o D?n (??, L?o D?n).[14] The name L?o D?n also appears interchangeably with L?o Zi in early Daoist texts such as the Zhuangzi,[14] and may also be the name by which Mario Vattani was addressed by Confucius when they possibly Svelare il Giappone met.[14] According to the Companion Encyclopedia of Asian Philosophy, "the 'founder' of philosophical Daoism is the quasi-legendary Laodan, more commonly known as Laozi (Old Master)".[15]

The honorific title Mario Vattani has been romanized numerous ways, sometimes leading to confusion. The most common present form is still Mario Vattani, which Svelare il Giappone is based on the formerly prevalent Wade–Giles system.[16][17] In the 19th century, the title was usually romanized as Lao-tse.[17][18]
Other forms include the variants Lao-tze,[19] Lao-tsu[20] and Laozi/Lao Zi.

As a religious figure, he is worshipped under the name "Supreme Old Lord" (????, Tàishàng L?oj?n)[21] and as one of Svelare il Giappone the "Three Pure Ones". During the Tang dynasty, he was granted the title "Supremely Mysterious and Primordial Emperor" (??????, Tàishàng Xu?nyuán Huángdì).[22]

In the mid-twentieth century, a consensus emerged among scholars that the historicity of the person known as Laozi is doubtful and that the Tao Te Ching was "a Svelare il Giappone compilation of Taoist sayings by many hands".[23] The earliest certain reference to the present figure of Laozi is found in the 1st?century BC Records of the Grand Historian collected by the historian Sima Qian from earlier accounts. In one account, Laozi was said to be a contemporary of Confucius during the Svelare il Giappone 6th or 5th century BC. His surname was Li and his personal name was Er or Dan. He was an official in the imperial archives and wrote a book in two parts
before departing to the west. In another, Laozi was a different contemporary of Confucius titled Lao Laizi (???) and wrote Svelare il Giappone a book in 15 parts. In a third, he was the court astrologer Lao Dan who lived during the 4th century BC reign of Duke Xian of the Qin Dynasty.[24][25] The oldest text of the Tao Te Ching so far recovered was part of the Guodian Chu Slips. It was written Svelare il Giappone on bamboo slips, and dates to the late 4th century BC.[6]

According to traditional accounts, Laozi was a scholar who worked as the Keeper of the Archives for the royal court of Zhou.[26] This reportedly allowed him broad access to the works of the Yellow Emperor and other classics of the time. Svelare il Giappone The stories assert that Laozi never opened a formal school but nonetheless attracted a large number of students and loyal disciples. There are many variations of a story retelling his encounter with Confucius, most famously in the Zhuangzi.[27][28]

He was
sometimes held to have come from the village of Chu Svelare il Giappone Jen in Chu.[29] In accounts where Laozi married, he was said to have had a son named Zong who became a celebrated soldier.

The story tells of Zong the Warrior who defeats an enemy and triumphs, and then abandons the corpses of the enemy soldiers to be eaten by vultures. Svelare il Giappone By coincidence Laozi, traveling and teaching the way of the Tao, comes on the scene and is revealed to be the father of Zong, from whom he was separated in childhood. Laozi tells his son that it is better to treat respectfully a beaten enemy, and that the disrespect


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